Service terms and conditions

Last Update: 16/05/2024

Service Terms and Conditions

  1. General Provisions
  2. This website (hereinafter: the ‘Website’) is owned, maintained and operated by POLFARMEX Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office in Kutno, ul. Józefów 9, 99-300 Kutno, with KRS (National Court Register) number 0000204258 (hereinafter: the ‘Company’).
  3. This document defines the terms of use (hereinafter ‘Terms of Use’) of the services and access to the information contained on the Site: By accessing this Website, the User accepts these Terms of Use.
  4. Polfarmex reserves the right to change these Terms of Use in whole or in part at any time by updating this document. The date of the last update of the Terms of Use can be determined by checking the ‘Last Modification’ field at the top of this document. Changes to the Terms of Use do not require prior notification to the Website Users.
  5. Rules for Using the Website
  6. The content on this Website and any materials published on it in any form are the intellectual property of the Company or the Company’s licensors, and we grant users a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the content contained on the Website.
  7. The content on the Website is protected by national laws and international copyright agreements worldwide. All such rights are reserved. Our status (and that of any other identified contributors) as the authors of the content on our Website must always be acknowledged.
  8. Each user of the Website (hereinafter: the ‘User’) is required to retain and note all references to copyrights and other intellectual property rights on the pages saved and printed from our Website. It is prohibited to use the name and trademarks of our Company without our prior written consent. Any use of the Company’s name or trademarks without our consent constitutes a violation of the law.
  9. Distributing, modifying and utilising the content and materials contained on this Website is prohibited (except for materials designated for such purposes located in the ‘DOWNLOAD’ section, which may be used by the User exclusively in their entirety and with citation of their source) either in part or in whole, including any texts, images, audio, or video materials, for public or commercial purposes, without prior written consent from the Company.
  10. Unless otherwise provided by applicable laws, all content published on this Website is subject to copyright and cannot be used without the consent of the Company or other authors in any way, except as in accordance with the terms described in this document or directly on the Website.
  11. The Company, as well as other entities, do not transfer to the User any property rights and entitlements arising from trademarks, patents, ownership rights, or other intellectual property rights so indicated.
  12. The proprietary copyrights to the materials, in particular content, graphics, and photos contained on the Website, belong to the Company.
  • Limitations and Disclaimers of Liability
  1. This Website and its services are intended for persons residing in Poland. We do not guarantee that the content available on or through our Website is suitable for use or available in other locations, for which the Company assumes no responsibility.
  2. The User visits and uses the Website at their own risk. The content on the Website is provided for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. The information contained on the Website cannot be interpreted as advice or recommendations and cannot serve as the basis for making decisions or taking actions, including any medical information posted on this Website, which cannot replace detailed medical consultation tailored to the individual needs of the patient.
  3. Neither this Website nor its content is intended to replace the advice or diagnosis of a healthcare professional. In all cases, it is recommended to seek assistance from a competent healthcare professional for any health-related issues.
  4. This Website may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. We reserve the right to change, correct and/or improve the current content, as well as the programmes and products described in the information contained on the Website, without notice. We make reasonable efforts to keep the information on our Website up to date, but we do not guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, that the content on our Website is correct, complete or current.
  5. All content on the Website is for illustrative purposes only and cannot be considered as educational sources.
  6. For business users or healthcare professionals, we exclude all implied terms, warranties, representations and other provisions that may relate to this Website or its content. For consumer users, we provide our Website exclusively for domestic and private use, and such a User agrees not to use our Website for commercial or business purposes.
  7. We do not exclude or limit our liability to Website Users in situations where it would be illegal to do so.
  8. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, the Company, as well as other persons involved in the creation and operation of this Website, are not liable for any issues, damages, data loss or errors in the content contained on this Website that may arise directly, indirectly or incidentally in connection with connecting, browsing or downloading content during visits to this Website.
  9. The Company has the right to suspend, withdraw or restrict the availability of all or part of the Website for business or operational reasons without the need for justification or prior notice.
  10. Third-Party Links
  11. If this Website contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for general informational purposes only. The presence of such links should not be interpreted as our endorsement of the content of the linked sites or the information that the User may obtain there. We have no control over the content of these sites or their resources. The Company also assumes no responsibility for the availability of these services or for any damages resulting from the use of the content contained in these services. Use of these services is entirely at the User’s own risk.
  12. Code of Conduct
  13. By using the Website, the User agrees to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. We expect users of the Website to respect the law as well as the rights and dignity of others.
  14. The following uses of the Website and the services offered on it are prohibited:
  • in any way that violates applicable laws and regulations;
  • to harm, attempt to harm or otherwise infringe on the rights or dignity of others;
  • to impersonate other persons or entities, including but not limited to representing oneself as a Company representative;
  • to send or enable the sending of any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials of any kind or any other forms of solicitation;
  • to frame or mirror any part of the Website;
  • to create a database by downloading and storing content from the Website;
  • to knowingly transmit or post any data and materials containing viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, adware, other harmful software, or similar computer code intended to disrupt the operation of computer programs and hardware;
  • to gain unauthorised access to our Website, the server on which it is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to our Website.
  1. Any violation described in section 2 above will be reported by the Company to the relevant authorities responsible for law enforcement, and we will cooperate with them, including by disclosing the identity of the User violating these terms or applicable laws.
  2. Users of the Website are fully responsible for the content they transmit in connection with using the Website, including to the extent that it may infringe on the rights of third parties.
  3. If any material posted by the Company violates these Terms of Use, is illegal or conflicts with the Content Standards in any way, please report this to the moderator at the following email address: If, at our discretion, we find the report justified, we will remove the relevant content and, if necessary, inform the Users of the Website.
  4. Technical Responsibility
  5. The Company does not guarantee that the Website is secure or free from errors, malware or viruses. It is the User’s responsibility to configure their software and IT hardware to be able to access the Website and use it properly. We recommend using a firewall and antivirus software.
  6. To the extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for any damage to the User’s computer or other property arising from accessing the Website or from accessing, using and browsing the content contained on it, including any undesired events that may occur during the downloading of materials, data, text, images, video and/or audio content. Furthermore, to the extent permitted by law, the Company is not liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses or costs that may arise from the malfunction or failure of the Website or for similar reasons, nor are we responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of the information posted on or accessible through the Website.
  • Data Protection and Accessibility
  1. The Privacy Policy specifies the conditions under which the Company processes any personal data that we collect or that the User provides to the Company.
  2. By accessing the Website, the User agrees to the terms specified in the Privacy Policy. The terms specified in the Privacy Policy are an integral part of these Terms of Use.
  • Privacy Policy
  1. Most of the services on the Website do not require prior identification, so we provide this content without the need to disclose your identity. To access certain sections of the Website, the User must confirm their identity as a person authorised to access these sections. If the User decides not to provide the Company with the required personal data, they accept the possibility of not being able to access certain sections of this Website.
  2. Restricted-access channels on the Website include content for professionals (persons authorised to issue prescriptions and handle medicinal products) on the Company’s product Website.
  3. Terms of Use for Professionals

Access to specialised medical information posted on the Website, as mentioned in the Pharmaceutical Law of 6 September 2001 (i.e., Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2301, as amended), is reserved exclusively for professionals, i.e., persons authorised to issue prescriptions and persons involved in the handling of medicinal products, after verifying the interested parties by confirming that they meet these conditions, which involves checking the statement: ‘I declare that I am a doctor, pharmacist or person involved in the supply of medicinal products’.

  1. Compliance with the Terms of Use

Failure to comply with the Terms of Use constitutes a violation of the rules for using the Website and may result in the Company taking the following actions:

  • temporary or permanent withdrawal of the User’s right to use the Website;
  • taking legal action against the User to recover any costs on an indemnity basis (including reasonable administrative and legal costs) resulting from the violation of the Terms of Use;
  • disclosure of relevant information to law enforcement authorities to the extent we deem necessary.
  1. Applicable Laws
  2. In the event of a conflict between the Terms of Use and other provisions contained on the Website, the Terms of Use shall prevail.
  3. The Terms of Use, their content and manner of formulation (as well as any non-contractual disputes and claims) are governed by Polish law.
  • Contact

If you have any questions regarding the Website or these Terms of Use, please contact the Website administrator at the following email address: